DMRY Tree Menu navigation 1.0

I wrote this plugin for my teachers site. We must to use a tree menu on his page, because there many statics pages about himself. So I wrote this plugin. If you want use this, you can read this installation. Please continue reading..


First you download dmry tree menu navigation with click here. After, copy dmry-tree-menu folder under wp-content/plugins folder, which being in .rar file.Finally go to plugings page and active this plugin.


Pluging usage like wp_list_pages() function usage. I explain this 🙂 You add too many statics page and again too many under this statics page. We need ID number which is the first or parent top. For example, my statics page happen like these;

- Hakan Demiray
-- Kitaplar
--- phpnuke Kitabı
-- Yazılar
-- Tasarımlar
--- phpnuke Kodlama
--- Sayfa Tasarımları

In here, parent top page ise “Hakan Demiray”. So I use it ID number. For dmry tree menu, you have to add this code on your sidebar template, or where you want.


The important point in this code is child_of value. This will be parent top page ID number. Namely, 12 must be “Hakan Demiray” page ID number for my example. sort_column=menu_order, order pages by menu order number. sort_order=asc, make ordering by alphabetic (aZ). And for another values, you can visit wp_list_pages() function usage page.


Tree navigation javascript codes writen by Geir Landrö for his project Dtree 2.05. I use dtree 2.05 codes in my pluging, and I make this dynamic for wordpress. There is too many options under dtree. For this options, open dtree.js file under the dmry tree menu pluging folder. Find the following codes in the file.

[js] this.config = {
target : null,
folderLinks : false,
useSelection : true,
useCookies : true,
useLines : true,
useIcons : false,
useStatusText : true,
closeSameLevel : false,
inOrder : false

target; Target for all the pages.
folderLinks; Should folders be links.
useSelection; Pages can be selected(highlighted).
useCookies; The tree uses cookies to rember it’s state..
useLines; Tree is drawn with lines.
useIcons; Tree is drawn with icons..
useStatusText; Displays page names in the statusbar instead of the url.
closeSameLevel; Only one page within a parent can be expanded at the same time.
inOrder; If parent pages are always added before children, setting this to true speeds up the tree.

And too many explanation about dtree, please visit it’s api page.

I have a important exam in this week, so I can’t write too many functions for this menu. But later I wrote a lot functions, so it will be 1.1 version.



For DMRY Ağaç Navigasyon Menüsü 1.0, click here.